Jumat, 05 Desember 2014

Lesson Plan - Carbon Compounds


Grade             : XII
Semester        : II
Materials       : Carboxylic Acid,Esters,and benzena with its derivates
Time Limit     : 2 x 45 min
A.    Aims
Students must be able to identify and analyze carbon compound and its derivate(especially for carboxylic acid,esters,and benzena) and also its application in our everyday life.

B.     Core Competences :
CC 1    Accepting,excecuting,and apreciating the rule of their religion
CC 2    Showing the honesty,disiplined,responsibility,caring,and confident character in their interaction with the teachers and the environment 
CC 3    Understanding the factual knowledge by observing and asking based on their curiousity ,and also whatever they found in their environment
CC 4    presenting the factual knowledge by sistematical and logical language in the estetical creature.

C.     Basic competences and learning outcome

Basic Competences
Learning Outcome
Core Lesson plan
1.1 Recognizing the order in carbon compounds and their derivatives as a manifestation of the greatness of Almighty God and the knowledge of the existence of the order as a result of human creative thinking that truth is tentative.

·  Ability to understanding some specification and characteristics of Carbocxylic acid,esters,and benzena

The structure,nomenclature,properties,usefullness,and identification of :
· Carboxylic Acid
· Esters
· Benzena
Observing :
·         looking for some information by reading,looking,observing about functional group,nomenclature,properties,and usefullness of Carboxylic acid,esters,and benzena compounds.
2.1  Demonstrate scientific behavior (having curiosity, discipline, honest, objective, open, able to distinguish fact and opinion, tenacious, thorough, responsible, critical, creative, innovative, democratic, communicative) in designing and conducting experiments and discussions are embodied in everyday attitudes.

·  Ability to analyze the identification reaction of Carboxylic acid,esters,and benzena

·  Ability to practically esterification reaction

·         Asking some Question,for example “why is Etanoic Acid is used for additional essense some food? How about another carboxylic acid compounds,are they also could be additional essense of food?
·         What is the esters compound that exist in our everyday life?
2.2 Shows the behavior of cooperative, polite, tolerant, peace-loving and caring environment and saving in the use of natural resources.

·  Abilty to explain carbon compounds around of us like Acetone,formaldehyde,alkohol,and its usefullness.

Experimenting :
·         Discussing the structures and isomers of carboxylic acid,esters,and benzena
·         Discussing the IUPAC rule for nomenclature of carboxylic acid,esters,and benzena
·         Looking for physical and chemical properties of carboxylic acid and esters
·          Planning,and experimenting about esterification reaction experiment
·         Gathering Some data to answer the question : what is the carboxylic acid and esters compounds that is used in our everyday life
·         Gathering some data of physical and  chemical properties of benzena (the reason of its stabilization and its substitution reaction like sulfonation,nitration,etc)
·         Discussing about the usefullness of benzena and its derivated compounds

3.7 Analyze the structure, nomenclature, properties and uses of carbon compounds (alkanoic acids, alkyl alkanoic and benzene and its derivatives)
·  Ability to giving IUPAC name of carbon compound
·  Ability to understanding physical properties of carbon compounds,and the reason of stabilization for benzena

·  Ability to analyze some substitution reaction for benzena

·         Relating molecular equation between Carboxylic Acids and Esters
·         Relating the structure of compounds with its chemical properties

4.7 Analyze the structure, nomenclature, properties and uses of carbon compounds alkanoic acids, alkyl alkanoic and benzene and its derivatives).

·      Ability to understanding the benefit or the usefullness of carbon compounds in pharmaetical and industry.
Communicating :
·         Communicating by oral or written about esterification reaction experiment
·         Presenting by oral or written about carboxylic acid and esters that is used in our everyday life
·         Presenting by oral or written about the usefullness of benzena and derivated compounds in our everyday life.

D.    Learning Activity
1St Meeting
Main activity
Time limit
1.     Teacher leads the student to pray together
2.     Teacher checks the presences of students
3.     Teacher ask to students what they got by their observation about the naterials
4.     Teacher give a change for students to asking som question about the materials
10 min
Core learning activity
1.     Students are parted into 4 group
2.     Every group have to discussed about some materials that is given by the teachers
3.     Discussing the structures and isomers of carboxylic acid,esters,and benzena
4.     Discussing the IUPAC rule for nomenclature of carboxylic acid,esters,and benzena
5.     Looking for physical and chemical properties of carboxylic acid and esters
6.     Gathering Some data to answer the question : what is the carboxylic acid and esters compounds that is used in our everyday life
7.     Gathering some data of physical and  chemical properties of benzena (the reason of its stabilization and its substitution reaction like sulfonation,nitration,etc)
8.     Discussing about the usefullness of benzena and its derivated compounds
9.     Relating molecular equation between Carboxylic Acids and Esters
10.                        Relating the structure of compounds with its chemical properties
11.                        Every group should presented the product of their discussion

60 min
·        20 min for disscussion
·        40 min for presentation (every group have 10 min)
1.     Teacher conclude the materials today
2.     Teacher explain something which is true and false clearly
3.     Teacher close the meeting by praying together
15 min

E.    Evaluation and Assesment
1.     Post Test Assesment (written test)
2.     Oral Assesment (presentation)

Name                    :        
Number                :
Group                            :
Materials              : Carboxylic Acid,esters,and benzena

Observation Aspect
Presentation Slide

Delivering materials

Mastery Audience

Capability to answer the question

Activity in the disscussion

Total Score

Note :
Presentation Slide
4 : interesting, clear, not too much words
3 :intersting,too much words
4 : not too interesting,the color words is not contrast with the background
1 : not too interesting,too much words,unclear

Delivering materials
4 : clear and fluent
3 : too much  juncture
2 : always look at the slide
1 : never looking the audience (just reading the slide)

Mastery Audience
4 : clear sound , right intonation
3 : clear sound , always look at the slide
2 : the voice is hear by half of audience
1 : never looking the audience (just reading the slide)

Capability to answer the question
4 : right , clear , and based on the question
3 : right but too long explanation
2 : rather out of the context
1 : out of the context (not based on the question)

Activity in the disscussion
4 : giving the opinion more than 3 times
3 : giving the opinion 2 – 3 times
2 : giving the opinion 1 time
1 : never giving the opinion

Score =


Grade             : XII
Semester        : II
Materials       : Esterification Reaction
Time Limit     : 2 x 45 min
A.    Aims
Students must be able to identify and analyze carbon compound and its derivate(especially for carboxylic acid,esters,and benzena) and also its application in our everyday life.

B.     Core Competences :
CC 1    Accepting,excecuting,and apreciating the rule of their religion
CC 2    Showing the honesty,disiplined,responsibility,caring,and confident character in their interaction with the teachers and the environment 
CC 3    Understanding the factual knowledge by observing and asking based on their curiousity ,and also whatever they found in their environment
CC 4    presenting the factual knowledge by sistematical and logical language in the estetical creature.

C.     Basic Competences
2.1  Demonstrate scientific behavior (having curiosity, discipline, honest, objective, open, able to distinguish fact and opinion, tenacious, thorough, responsible, critical, creative, innovative, democratic, communicative) in designing and conducting experiments and discussions are embodied in everyday attitudes.
D.    Learning outcome
·         Ability to do the simple experiment for making esters (Alkil Alkanoate)
·         Ability to identify the physical properties of esters (Alkil Alkanoate)
·         Ability to identify the chemical properties of esters (Alkil Alkanoate)

E.     Main materials
Esters are the derivates of carbon compounds that have spesific smell. Most of this compounds are used to essence for the food and drink. This compounds can be made from the esterification reaction,that is making esters from the reaction between Alcohol (Alkanol) and Carboxylic acid (Alkanoic Acid). Esters have some spesific properties, they are :
1.      Generally,have spesific smell (fruit smell)
2.      Soluble in water
3.      Change into gases,easier
4.      Neutral carbon compounds
5.      Hidrolytic reaction

F.      Learning Activity
Time Limit
1.     Teacher leads the student to pray together
2.     Teacher checks the presences of students
3.     Teacher explain about practicall activity generally
4.     The students are parted into 8 group (5 students for each group)
15 min
1.     The students in their group doing the experiment
2.     The students create a simple report about the experiment
3.     Teacher ask some students to present their report
60 min
1.     Teacher conclude the experiment by comparing some opinion from students
2.     Teacher close the meeting by praying together
15 min

G.    The tools and the materials
Tools   :
1.      Pipette
2.      Test tube
3.      Plate drops
4.      Spirtus heater
Materials         :         
1. Etanoic Acid (Asetic Acid)
                                    2. Alcohol (Etanol)
                                    3. Sulfic Acid
4. Aquadest
5. Universal indicator
H.    How to work
1.      Add 5 drops of ethanol into a test tube (A test tube)
2.      Then,add 5 drops of sulfic acid into the test tube. Observe what happened and write done
3.      Add 5 drops of Asetic acid into the test tube,observe what happened and write done
4.      Take 2 drops of solution by pipette and put it into another test tube (B test tube)
5.      Put 2 drops of water (Aquadest) into the B test tube,observe what happened
6.      Put universal indicator on the drops plate,then put 2 drops the solution in A test tube on the universal indicators. Observe what happened (especially the color of the indicator)
7.      Close the A test tube by using a plastic
8.      Heat the solution in the A test tube by using spirtus heater

I.       Experiment Data
Alcohol (etanol) + Sulfic Acid

+ Asetic Acid

Dissolving in aquadest

Checking pH


Close the tube


J.       Evaluation and Assesment
1.      Practical report            (written Assesment)
2.      Practical Observation 
Name                           :          
Number                       :
Group                          :
Materials                     : Carbon Compound and its derivates (Esterification)

Observation Aspect
Practical Readiness

Understanding practical materials

Arranging the practical tools

Preparing some practical materials

Note :
Practical readiness
 4 : making procedural diagram,observational data,and bringing complete practical equipment
3 : making procedural diagram,observational data,but have’nt complete practical equipment
2 : bringing one only
1 : have no readiness
Understanding practical materials
4 : without open the book.on time when doing the practium,never asking a teacher or friends
3 : without open the book.on time when doing the practium, asking a teacher or friends
2 : asking a teacher or friends an done the practicum more than time limits
1 : open the book, asking a teacher or friends an done the practicum more than time limits
Merangkai alat praktikum
4: complete , right
3: complete , unright
2: minus 1 tool
1: minus 2 tools
Menyiapkan bahan praktikum
4: complete , right
3: complete , unright
2: minus 1 tool
1: minus 2 tools

Score =

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